NSC received this wonderful note on May 4th 2015…
I’m a pastor in a small Midwestern town in Ohio (Lima). Yesterday we held a special worship service geared toward bikers. About 2000 people on 1200 motorcycles showed up. Our band used Might Get Up Slow (complete with brass) as part of this year’s theme which was “Get Back Up” (cause if you ride, eventually you’re going to lay the bike down). In any event, the song was a huge hit.
Thanks for writing it!
God Bless, Bryan Bucher Lead Pastor Shawnee Community UMC (Lima OH)”
We reached out to Paster Bucher expressing our thanks and appreciation for his kinds words and for sharing this beautiful experience with us. He followed up with an additional note….
Some kinds words for NSC came in an email on April 24th, 2015….
“Good Morning, Ladies –
Rarely am I moved to go beyond merely listening to a band that I enjoy (and by rarely, I mean never). But your music thrills me, and I’m compelled to reach out and convey my appreciation for what you do. So, here I go:
One – Your songwriting is outstanding. “Trophy Wife” sports more hooks than a Norwegian fishing expedition.
Second(ly?) – Your live performances radiate a sincerity that can warm even the coolest spectator. I’ve been a performing musician all of my life, and NSC knows how to work a room.
C. – The vitality of your music is made all the more visceral by virtue of the fact that it’s not made by 20-somethings, but by people of my own age… This is a powerful thing, and more people should know that artistic expression and enthusiasm for life has no expiration date.
Soooooo – THANK YOU for (unwittingly) representing those of us who’ve been lucky enough to survive past 40 with our creative hearts not only intact, but beating stronger than ever.
Beep Bop Boop,
-Kai Blackwood, Tokyo Death Squad, April 24Th, 2015